What Is a Dink in Pickleball?

What Is a Dink in Pickleball?

Have you ever heard the term ‘dink’ while playing pickleball? Most likely, but do you know what it is and why it matters? If you’re just starting to play pickleball or are experienced, learning about dinks can help improve your technique and make every match more fun.

In this article, we’ll explore what a dink is in more detail, as well as its usage within the game.

What Is a Dink in Pickleball?

A dink is a special type of shot in pickleball that involves hitting the ball softly with a light touch. It is typically used when an opponent is close to the net and cannot reach out for more power or pace on their return shot.

The goal with a dink is to keep the ball at a low height, making it harder for your opponent to hit back.

Dinks are usually used near the non-volley zone, which is the area of the court adjacent to the net that players cannot stand inside of, and is also known as the kitchen.

Dinking in this zone forces opponents to move around quickly and helps you gain control of the point.

What Is a Dink in Pickleball?

How Do You Hit a Good Drink Shot?

The key to any successful dink is accuracy and control. Your goal should be to hit the ball just over or around the net, but still keep enough pace that your opponent can’t easily get to it. This means you need to use a light touch when hitting the ball, as well as proper technique.

Start by holding your racquet in the continental grip and keeping your wrist relaxed. As you take the shot, keep your arm straight and hit with an overhead motion for maximum control over the ball.

Aim for a spot just between the net and your opponent’s feet, as this is most likely where they won’t be able to reach it.

The Cross-Court Dink

The cross-court dink is a variation of the traditional dink that requires you to hit the ball in a diagonal direction. It’s usually best to use this type of shot when your opponent is expecting a straight or side-to-side dink.

To do a cross-court dink, start by moving your weight to the side and turning your hips. Aim for the opposite corner of the court. This will help you control the ball more.

Keep your wrist loose and swing your arm over your head to make sure the ball goes where you want it to go.

How to Practice Dinks?

Dinks are a type of shot in pickleball that require you to be very precise. This means that you need to practice them often. If you don’t have access to a pickleball court, you can use a foam ball or other lightweight object. You can also set up targets on the court, like hula hoops or cones.

Another great way to practice is by playing against an opponent who can give you feedback. This will help you learn how to hit effective dinks and when it’s best to use them during a match. [1]

Why Do You Dink in Pickleball?

Dinking is a good way to control the point in pickleball and make your opponent uncomfortable. Dinking also makes your opponent run around more, which can make them tired.

Additionally, dinks help you set up other shots by making it easier to run opponents out of position or hit drop shots when they’re expecting something else.

Overall, dinking is an important tool that every pickleball player should know how to do. It takes practice and patience, but once you master it, it can be a great way to win points and take control of the game.

Why Do You Dink in Pickleball?

What is the Purpose of a Dink Shot?

The purpose of a dink shot is to hit the ball softly with a light touch, typically when an opponent is close to the net and cannot reach out for more power or pace on their return shot.

Dinking is used to maintain control of the point, force opponents to move around quickly, and set up other shots such as drop shots.

What is the First Rule of Dinking in Pickleball?

There are some things you should do to be a successful dinker in pickleball.

  • First, keep your wrist relaxed. This will help you hit the ball lightly and with control.
  • Second, use proper technique by keeping your arm straight and swinging your racquet in an overhead motion for the best accuracy.
  • Lastly, aim for a spot just between the net and your opponent’s feet since they probably won’t be able to get to the ball there.

Where Should a Dink Shot Be Placed in Pickleball?

The best place to hit a dink shot in pickleball is just above the net and between your opponent’s feet. This spot is close enough that you can control the ball with accuracy, but far enough away that it will be difficult for them to reach.

Additionally, this spot gives you more time to set up other shots or move into position yourself.

Why Is a Dink Important in Pickleball?

Dinks are a big part of the game because they help players keep control over the point and not let their opponents get too comfortable. When used right, dinks can be a great offensive move that can help you win any match.

It’s also important to remember that dinks can be used defensively as well. If you find your opponent is getting too close to the net, a dink can help you keep them at bay and give yourself some breathing room.

Lastly, dinking helps build great hand-eye coordination which is key for any sport. It also improves your reflexes and footwork, which are both essential for a successful pickleball player. [2]

Top Tips for Hitting Dinks Like a Pro

  1. Keep your wrist relaxed and swing your arm in an overhead motion to ensure accuracy when hitting the ball.
  2. Aim for a spot just between the net and your opponent’s feet as this will give them less time to reach it.
  3. Practice dinking often to develop muscle memory and perfect your technique.
  4. Use dinks both offensively and defensively to take control of the point and move your opponent around.
  5. Vary your shots by mixing up the speed, spin, and direction of your dinks to keep opponents guessing.
  6. Focus on footwork and hand-eye coordination, as these are essential for a successful dinker.

Top Tips for Hitting Dinks Like a Pro


What is the difference between a dink and a drop shot in pickleball?

A dink shot is a light touch shot that requires short distance while a drop shot requires more accuracy as it needs to be placed closer to the net.

How do I know when to use a dink in pickleball?

A dink shot is a good choice in pickleball when your opponent is close to the net and cannot reach out for more power or pace on their return shot. It’s a great way to keep control of the point, force opponents to move around quickly, and set up other shots such as drop shots.

What is the best way to hit a dink in pickleball?

The best way to hit a dink shot in pickleball is by keeping your wrist relaxed and swinging your racquet in an overhead motion for the best accuracy. Aim for a spot just between the net and your opponent’s feet since they probably won’t be able to get to the ball there. Additionally, practice dinking often to develop muscle memory and perfect your technique.

What is the most important shot in pickleball?

The most important shot in pickleball is the serve. A successful serve means you have more control and positioning. This makes it easier to win the point. Mastering different types of serves such as flat, slice, topspin or kick serves can help you be a better player.

Additionally, mixing up your serves will also keep your opponents guessing and make it harder for them to anticipate your shots.

What is a flapjack in pickleball?

A flapjack is a special type of dink shot in pickleball. It’s similar to a regular dink, but it requires more spin and power behind the shot. The main purpose of a flapjack is to move your opponent around quickly while still controlling the point.

To hit a successful flapjack, you need to use an open stance and a strong wrist flick to keep the ball in play. It takes practice to perfect this shot, but it can be a great tool for any competitive player.

What is a flapjack in pickleball?

What is the most difficult thing to do in pickleball?

The most difficult thing to do in pickleball is to hit the ball hard every time. You have to time everything just right, and use your arms, legs, and feet all at the same time. You also need a strong stomach and good balance. With practice, you can get better at all of these things and become a stronger player overall.

What are the three 3 key things you should focus on in pickleball?

The three key things you should focus on in pickleball are serving, footwork, and hand-eye coordination. A successful serve gives you more control of the point, while good footwork helps you move around the court quickly and efficiently.

Lastly, hand-eye coordination is important for any sport and is essential for a successful pickleball dinker or drop shot. Practice these skills often and you will become a better pickleball player!

How do I improve my pickleball game?

The best way to improve your pickleball game is to practice regularly. Focus on the three key areas mentioned above: serving, footwork and hand-eye coordination.

Additionally, vary your shots by mixing up the speed, spin, and direction of your dinks or drop shots to keep opponents guessing. Lastly, watch videos of professional pickleball players to get a better understanding of the game and learn from their techniques.

Pickleball is a sport that people of all ages and skill levels can play. It’s good to stay active and get exercise, and pickleball is one way to do this. Also, it’s easy to learn, which makes it appealing for many people.

Plus, the court size can be adjusted for different skill levels. The popularity of pickleball is increasing as more people become aware of the sport!

Why is dinking important in pickleball?

Dinking is an important part of pickleball because it allows players to control the pace of the game. Dinking keeps your opponents on their toes since they don’t know what kind of shot you are going to hit next.

Additionally, dinks can be used to set up other shots such as drop shots, volleys, and smashes. So if you want to become a better pickleball player, make sure to practice your dinks!

Can a dink be used to end a point?

Yes, a dink can be used to end a point. This is especially true at the higher levels of play where players have more control over their shots and better court awareness. A well-placed dink can catch your opponent off guard and give you an easy point! However, it’s important to remember that dinks should be used strategically and not just as a way to end the point. When used in combination with other shots, a dink can be a powerful tool for any pickleball player!

Does dinking require a lot of strength?

No, you do not need to be very strong to hit a dink. You just need to have good hand-eye coordination, timing, and accuracy. You don’t need a lot of strength or a powerful swing to hit a successful dink. That being said, it may be helpful to build up your strength and stamina if you want to become a better pickleball player overall!

Do you need a special racquet for dinking?

No, you don’t need a special racquet to hit a successful dink. Most pickleball players use standard size paddles to hit their shots and these will work just fine. However, if you want an even better dink shot, there are specially designed paddles with larger heads that can help you get more spin and control on your shots.

Is dinking a good strategy when you are playing defense?

Dinking is a good strategy when you are playing defense. It allows you to control the pace of the point and can surprise your opponents if used correctly.

Dinks can also be used to set up other shots such as drop shots and volleys which can help you take control of the rally. So if you want to become a better defensive player, add dinking to your repertoire!

Why is footwork important in pickleball?

Footwork is important for any successful pickleball player. Good footwork lets you move around the court quickly and easily so you can get to more shots and keep playing.

Additionally, it helps with knowing where you are on the court, which is important for making shots and outsmarting opponents. So if you want to get better at pickleball, make sure to practice your footwork!

Why is footwork important in pickleball?

Which is more important: dinking or footwork?

Both dinking and footwork are important for any successful pickleball player. Dinking allows you to control the pace of the game and set up shots, whereas footwork helps you move quickly around the court and get to more shots.

So both are important skills that need to be developed in order to become a better pickleball player. So practice both, and you’ll be sure to see improvement in your game!

How can I practice my dinking?

If you want to become a better pickleball player, you need to practice your dinking. First, get the right equipment like a good quality paddle and balls. Then, try to hit accurate shots with consistent spin.

Also, practice playing against an opponent or a wall to improve your accuracy and control. Finally, practice both offense and defense dinks so you can use them in any situation. If you are patient and dedicated, you will be able to master the art of dinking soon!

When should I use a dink?

A dink can be used in any situation. It can be used to set up other shots, control the pace of the game, or surprise your opponents. However, it’s important to remember that a dink should not be used recklessly and should always be part of an overall strategy for winning points.

What type of footwork should I practice for dinking?

When practising your dinking, you should focus on quick footwork that allows you to move around the court quickly and easily.

You should also practice being aware of where you are on the court so that you can make shots and outsmart your opponents. Finally, practice turning and pivoting quickly so that you can react to shots quickly and keep the pressure on your opponents.

With some practice, you should be able to master the necessary footwork for dinking in no time!

Useful Video: Pickleball Dink | 5 Keys to Successful Dinking


If you want to become a pickleball pro, learning what a dink is a great place to start. This type of shot requires finesse, timing and skill. It’s also an essential part of any match strategy for the more serious players.

Whether you want to use it as an offensive weapon or just practice your skills, dinking can be an incredibly rewarding way to improve your game.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to having fun while digging into details like these and working hard at improving your game every day. So get out there and ‘dink up’!


  1. https://pickleball.land/what-is-a-dink-shot-in-pickleball/
  2. https://primetimepickleball.com/what-is-a-dink-shot-in-pickleball/